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WPCC3-0139- CGL Direct Award for Adult Drugs

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0139

Lead Officer: Sara Ansell, Treasurer

Chief Officer approval: N/A

Date: 24th April 2024

Status: Non-confidential

Decision summary:

This decision notice seeks formal approval for a direct award to CGL to provide for an adult drugs and alcohol ‘treatment and associated service’ to operate until the 30th April 2025, to compliment the adult drugs and alcohol assessment services recently recommissioned.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  P.Seccombe

Date: 30.04.2024

Supporting information

1. Background information

Decision notices WPCC3-0103 and WPCC3-0110 outline the details regarding the recent recommissioning undertaken by the OPCC for adult drugs and alcohol services for those in the criminal justice system.  Following a comprehensive commissioning process, the contract was awarded to a new provider – Cranstoun. The contract went live on the 1st April 2024.

Adult drugs and alcohol treatment services were excluded from the specification for the newly commissioned PCC contract, and the intention is that this element of service will be subject to ongoing discussions with WCC over the summer months, to bring all treatment services together within the county wide community contract, which is in the process of being re-commissioned.   The WCC contract is due to commence in May 2025.

Due to the timing inconsistencies detailed above, the gap in service provision needs to be filled, while the changes are actioned.  This must be bridged urgently to ensure the continuity of treatment and IOM services to vulnerable service users.  As a result a number of discussions taken place with the current PCC service provider (Cranstoun), and the WCC community service contract provider (CGL) to agree a temporary solution.

In principle, a proposal has been discussed with CGL for them to deliver the adult treatment service for the intervening period until the end of April 2025, which should allow sufficient time for the recommissioning of the community contract by WCC, which it is intended will cover this area of service on a permanent ongoing basis.

The direct award to CGL by the PCC is a temporary solution, covering the intervening period, and the special terms and conditions include a defined specification to outline the requirements for the service over this period, and also key performance indicators which will be used to hold the provider to account for service outcomes.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Details regarding the proposed direct award, including the terms and conditions of the funding.

3. Expected benefits

This direct award will ensure the continuity of service for the recovery and structured treatment aspects of the service with the exception of clinical interventions. Independent Offender Management (IOM) services, and the management of these caseloads will also be delivered under the terms of the direct award.  This will ensure that existing service users needs are met, and on an ongoing basis, the intervention to support new ATR’s and DRR’s is in place in Warwickshire.

4. Impact of not approving the application

Without this direct award, these services will cease, leaving a gap in service for vulnerable adults, and no ongoing service provision in Warwickshire.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

The costs of the direct award are £38,720.

6. Equality considerations

The treatment service is available irrespective of any protected characteristics.

7. Legal comments

Legal and procurement advice has been sought regarding the direct award

8. Social or Environmental considerations

Services will be delivered locally, using local premises.

9. Publication

These will be published on the OPCC website

Comments from the Treasurer

The direct award will provide for the continuity of much needed treatment and associated services for vulnerable persons caught up within the criminal justice system.  The contract award value has required an exemption from our contract regulations, but given the urgency, the temporary nature of the service requirement and the limited availability of suppliers who are able to deliver services in a timely fashion, a direct award is the recommended solution.

Over the next few months, work will be ongoing to move this service within the terms of WCC’s community contract on a more permanent basis, which is due to be procured over the later half of 2024/25, with a go live date of May 2025.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

The continuity of service delivery and structured treatment for this cohort of vulnerable individuals is essential and a key requirement of reducing reoffending in Warwickshire as an interim, whilst the longer-term approach is agreed from May 2025.