The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Police and Crime Plan sets the strategic framework for policing and work of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner. The current plan covers the period 2021-25 and shows how the Commissioner will work with the police and partner agencies to keep Warwickshire safe.
You can view the whole plan using the links below or the main menu.
- Message from the Commissioner
- Introducing the Chief Constable
- Policing in Warwickshire
- Roles and Responsibilities
- How the Plan was Developed
- Plan on a Page
- Priority 1: Fight Crime and Reduce Reoffending
- Priority 2: Deliver Visible and Effective Policing
- Priority 3: Keep People Safe and Reduce Harm
- Priority 4: Strengthen Communities
- Priority 5: Deliver Better Justice For All
- How the plan fits with other national and local priorities
- Keeping track of progress
- Funding the plan
An Annual Report is published at the conclusion of each year to report on progress made against the priorities of the plan. Find out more on our Annual Reports page.