Have your say on the future of policing in Warwickshire.  Take our Police and Crime Plan priorities survey today!

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Keeping track of progress

In delivering this plan I will use a wide range of different information to assess how well the priorities are being delivered.  Each priority already has a set of indicators of success and I will use information drawn from a variety of sources to evidence progress.

This will include police data and publicly available performance information, such as the Warwickshire Police Performance Dashboard, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Service (HMICFRS) reports, partnership information, internal and external audit reports and public consultations. Satisfaction measures will be evidenced through the Crime Survey of England and Wales together with other surveys of victims of crime.

In drawing conclusions from this wealth of data, I will be using the following key questions to gauge the overall success of delivery of the plan:

  1. How safe do people feel in our communities?
  2. How well are we preventing and reducing crime?
  3. How well are vulnerable people safeguarded?
  4. How safe are people on our roads?
  5. How well are we doing at reducing re-offending?
  6. How well are victims supported to cope and recover from the effects of crime?
  7. How well do victims and witnesses engage with the criminal justice process?
  8. How confident are people in the police?
  9. How confident are people in the criminal justice system?

Achievements against the Police and Crime Plan will be formally reported to the Warwickshire Police & Crime Panel and to the public through an Annual Report, which will be published on my website.

National Crime and Policing Measures

The National Crime and Policing Measures set out the Government’s key national priorities on crime, with an emphasis on pursuing reductions in crime:

  • Reduce murder and other homicides
  • Reduce serious violence
  • Disrupt drugs supply and county lines
  • Reduce neighbourhood crime
  • Tackle cyber crime
  • Improve satisfaction among victims – with a particular focus on victims of domestic abuse.

The objectives of my Police and Crime Plan have been formulated with these priorities in mind and I will report to the public how Warwickshire Police is performing against these measures, with data published at regular intervals on my website.

Holding to account

On your behalf, I want to ensure that all agencies are working together to reduce crime, support victims and make communities safer.  I will do this through regular engagement with communities, the police, partners and community safety organisations, so I have an ongoing understanding of local policing and criminal justice needs.  This in turn will allow me to:

  • Have regular meetings held in both public and private to hold the Chief Constable to account for the delivery of an efficient and effective police service
  • Undertake performance accountability meetings with the senior team across the force to assess all aspects of policing.
  • Receive quarterly budget monitoring reports to ensure a balanced budget is delivered.
  • Ensure delivery against the Strategic Policing Requirement.
  • Use my role as Chair of the Local Criminal Justice Board to monitor the provision of an effective and efficient criminal justice system in Warwickshire.
  • Review and respond to reports from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate and ensure service improvements are implemented.