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WPCC3-0083 2022/23 Budget monitoring forecast outturn

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0083

Lead Officer: Sara Ansell, Treasurer

Chief Officer approval: N/a

Date: 16th March 2023

Status: Partially-confidential

The supporting documentation is deemed confidential as some details in the full Money Matters reports may contain information which is exempt under S.31(1) Prevention and Detection of Crime.

Decision summary:

This Decision Notice provides formal approval for the reported forecast outturn as outlined at the end of quarter 1, quarter 2 and quarter 3 of 2022-23.  The PCC receives the reports regularly throughout the year and discusses and approves the contents and recommendations at the monthly Governance Board meetings.  This decision notice provides further formal approval of the key quarterly reports received during the course of 202223 to date.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  Philip Seccombe

Date: 18/03/23

Supporting information

1. Background information

The PCC receives comprehensive and regular budget monitoring reports known as Money Matters during the course of the year.  These provide updates on financial performance including the forecast outturn for the current year for revenue and capital spending, along with the impact this will have on reserves.  The PCC discusses this with the Chief Constable at the monthly Governance Board meetings.  Interim ‘lighter touch’ monthly reports are also usually received, and any key or emerging issues are discussed at Governance or holding to account meetings.  Following discussion of each of the reports, the Commissioner provides verbal approval of the recommendations, which is now formalised in this decision notice.

All the details are included within the attached Money Matters reports, as discussed with the Chief Constable.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Quarter 1, Quarter 2 and Quarter 3 Money Matters Reports as presented to the PCC

3. Expected benefits

This report and the confidential reports received by the PCC, outline the forecast outturn position and financing for 2022/23 revenue and capital expenditure, and the anticipated reserve transfers and year end balances. The budget supports the effective delivery of the policing service in Warwickshire, including the ongoing transformation of services through the various Empower Workstreams.  The budget monitoring reports indicate that the forecast underspend in year is being utilised in a cost-effective manner, by reducing the need to borrow, and to provide crucial sustainable financing for capital investments that should deliver future savings through more efficient working practises. The final forecast year end underspend will be contributed to reserves to fund future planned activity on revenue and capital.  The approval of the budget, which is monitored closely throughout the year, will ensure that the Local Government Capital Finance & Accounting Regulations (England) are complied with.

4. Impact of not approving the application

The transfers to and from reserves, and direct revenue financing contributions to support revenue and capital spending and service delivery would not be approved, and as such all spending and service delivery would have to be managed within the original revenue and capital approved budget for 2022/23.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

All cost information is included within this report, and in more detail within the confidential supporting information

6. Equality considerations

All relevant policies apply to all aspects of the budget and spending.

7. Legal comments

The PCC is required to set a balanced budget and requires the force to operate within it, by carefully monitoring and reporting expenditure and income levels during the course of the year.  The PCC and Chief Constable both have a duty to ensure that value for money is derived from all spending, and this report helps to ensure that costs and income are controlled and to give some assurance that public money is being spent wisely and in accordance with the agreed governance frameworks.   Appropriate governance arrangements are in place to monitor financial performance and the PCC continues to meet regularly with the Chief Constable and the Chief Officer team to monitor the budget throughout the year.

8. Social or Environmental considerations

All relevant policies apply, and spending should have due consideration for both social and environmental issues.  The latter is particularly supported through the planned works and spending of the sustainability reserve made available by the Commissioner in the 2022/23 budget to address environmental initiatives.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

Forecast outturn budget monitoring information is critical and will continue to be received and used to hold the Chief Constable and the force to account. All financial detail is included within the supporting, more detailed Money Matters reports. The content of the supporting reports has been scrutinised and it is essential that the recommendations are approved to ensure compliance with statutory financial regulations.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

The process for monitoring and forecasting the budget is comprehensive and subject to ongoing scrutiny by the Commissioner and other professionals.