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WPCC3-0063 – MOJ Funding Allocations 2022/23

Decision Title: To approve the allocation of additional funding to organisations following the successful bid to the Ministry of Justice for supporting improved sexual violence and domestic abuse services in Warwickshire.

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0063

Lead Officer: Sara Ansell, Treasurer

If force business, date approved by Chief Officer: N/A

Date: 26th July 2022

Status:  Non confidential

Decision summary:

To approve the allocation of funding to partners following the recent successful submission to the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) for improving domestic abuse and sexual violence victim services in Warwickshire.  Decision notice WPCC3-0062 approved the receipt of this additional funding from the MOJ, and this decision seeks formal approval for the recommended allocations to partners in 2022/23 on a grants basis.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: Philip Seccombe

Date: 29.07.22

Supporting information

1. Background information

Decision notice WPCC3-0063 outlines the history regarding £418,520.60 of additional funding awarded to the PCC for sexual violence and domestic abuse services.  The funding, whilst very welcome represents 50% of the additional amount outlined in the original needs assessment submitted by the office to the MOJ, which followed extensive work with partners to identify areas of further need. In order to ensure that this funding is used most effectively, a process of re-evaluation of the original needs assessment has been undertaken to allocate monies to partners.  The re-evaluation process has been carried out by the Grants and Commissioning officer and the Head of Policy at the OPCC.

As a result of the difference in both service types and operating models, the original funding bids varied considerably and so could not be considered ‘like for like’ for the purposes of re-evaluation. In addition, by the nature of the bids themselves, it was not possible to arbitrarily reduce all bids by a simple reduction of 50%, as this would render many undeliverable. Consequently, a detailed analysis was undertaken to consider the exact nature of each bid, to what extent it could be reduced in value and continue (to some extent) to fill the needs identified, and how collectively an amended set of awards could still positively and holistically support victim and survivors in totality. The recommended funding allocations for 2022/23 are shown in the table below and arise from this methodology:

Area of funding and organisation Amount  (£)
Domestic Abuse:  
Family Intervention Counselling Service (FICS) 81,763.60
Insight Counselling Services 34,030.00
Victim Support 36,963.00
Parenting Project 32,500.00
Refuge 39,978.50
Total 252,889.60
Sexual Violence:  
Safeline 30,110.00
ROSA 75,257.50
Barnardos 87,918.00
Total 193,285.50

The PCC will be required to comply with the MOJ grant conditions and will passport this criteria to partners in the terms and conditions for their individual grant allocation.  The performance of the projects and outcome from the spending will be monitored throughout the year and reported in line with the MOJ grant requirements.

The Grants and Commissioning Officer and Treasurer have discussed the proposed allocations with the Commissioner.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices


3. Expected benefits

The purpose of awarding this additional funding to our partners will help to sustain and increase the number of advisors and the support services provided to victims of sexual violence and domestic abuse.

4. Impact of not approving the application

Not pursuing and achieving the PCC’s goal of improving services for victims, particularly those as a result of sexual violence and domestic abuse

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

All the grant received from the MOJ will be passported directly to partners to increase the number of ISVA/CHISVA, IDVA/CHIDVA’s and other support services in Warwickshire.  The PCC must comply with the agreed grant conditions from the MOJ.

6. Equality implications

All relevant policies apply to all aspects of the budget and spending.

7. Legal comments

The funding received by the OPCC must be used in accordance with the MOJ grant conditions.  Partner organisations must agree to the terms and conditions prior to receiving payment.

8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

All spending will be financed from the additional funding receivable from the MOJ.  OPCC staff have reviewed the original needs assessment in the light of the level of funding available and have prioritised projects to ensure the best value for money form the award can be achieved.  The allocations to partners will be made on an annual grants basis and spending will need to have been incurred by the end of financial year.  Decisions on the funding  All governance and due diligence checks will be undertaken with the grant recipients, who must comply with the grant conditions and terms and conditions outlined.  Monitoring of the recipients performance will be undertaken during the course of the year and data will also be submitted to the MOJ in accordance with their requirements.

This money is much needed, would not have been forthcoming without the needs assessment submission and will assist in meeting the priorities laid out in the Police and Crime Plan.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This funding is welcome in Warwickshire and will enable providers to reach more people in need of support.