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WPCC30025 – Replacement of flat roof to Stables Block, Warwickshire Police HQ Leek Wootton

Decision Title:  Replacement of flat roof to Stables Block, Warwickshire Police HQ Leek Wootton

Decision Reference: WPCC3-0025

Lead Officer:  Helen Minett, Estates, Facilities & Health & Safety Manager

Date:  11th October 2021

Status:  Not confidential

Decision Summary

This application is for funding for the replacement of the flat roof and improvement works to the pitched roof of the Stables Block at Warwickshire Police HQ, Leek Wootton.

I confirm that I do not have any disclosable pecuniary interests in this decision and that the decision in compliance with the Code of Conduct.  Any interests are indicated below.

Signature: Philip Seccombe

Date  26th October 2021

Supporting Information

1. Background Information

Following completion of further condition survey works, it has been identified that the flat roof to the stables block is at the end of its life and requires urgent replacement.  The main waterproof membrane of the existing roof has perished and only the vapour barrier is preventing water ingress into the building.

Whilst access is available it is also advised that remedial works are completed to the pitched roof area (abutments gables and along ridge lines) to remove and replace damaged tiles.

The costs for these works are:

  • Building work – £189,057.24
  • Asbestos works (surveys and provisional sum for removal – £3946.78
  • Fees (building control / regs) – £1046.00
  • Total cost – £194,050.02

The works will be managed by the in-house Estates and FM team and completed by our existing partner, Grahams, via the NHS Framework.

2. Detail of additional information attached

Recommendation of tender.

3. Expected Benefits

  • Protection of the lifespan of the asset
  • Avoidance of water leaks and associated hazards
  • Avoidance of additional costs due to damage to the building infrastructure
  • Removal of health and safety risk

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • Water ingress to the building causing damage to the building fabric and increasing remedial costs
  • Health and Safety risks due to water ingress eg ceiling collapses and damaged tiles falling off the roof
  • Risk of prosecution due to the above

5. Costs (including any identified savings)


There are no revenue costs but completing this work will avoid revenue costs associated with making good damage from water ingress.


  • Building work – £189,057.24
  • Asbestos works (surveys and provisional sum for removal – £3946.78
  • Fees (building control / regs) – £1046.00
  • Total cost – £194,050.02

 The capital costs will be funded from the capital budget form improvement works to Leek Wootton.

6. Equality Implications

None identified

 7. Legal Implications

None identified

8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption, the information contained in the form will be published on the Warwickshire PCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The works can be funded through the existing capital programme, and capital budget should now be allocated to this project to enable the works to be completed.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

The works are necessary and can be funded from the existing capital budget and has been procured through existing framework agreements.