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WPCC30009 – Contract Award – CYP Sexual Assault Recovery Service

Decision Title: Contract Award – CYP Sexual Assault Recovery Service

Decision Reference Number: WPCC3-0009

Lead Officer: Richard Long, Development and Policy Lead

If force business, date approved by Chief Officer: N/A

Date: 21st July 2021

Status:  Non confidential

Decision summary:

Following the completion of an open tender process, support is given to the award of the contract for the re-commissioned Children and Young People’s Sexual Assault Referral Service (CYPSARS) to Mountain Healthcare.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature: Philip Seccombe

Date: 21st July 2021

Supporting information

1. Background information

The Children and Young People’s Sexual Assault Referral Service (CYPSARS) is co-commissioned by NHS England/NHS Improvement (NHSEI), West Midlands OPCC, West Mercia OPCC, Staffordshire OFPCC and Warwickshire OPCC. NHSEI are the lead and coordinating commissioner. The service is provided through the regional Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) network.

Following the collapse of the previous contract, the tender for a new CYPSARS commenced in late 2019 but was paused however in 2020, to enable health providers and commissioners to focus on the response to the Coronavirus pandemic.

An open tender process recommenced in February 2021 and was undertaken, with support from NHS Arden & GEM Commissioning Support Unit (AGEMCSU). One bid was received from Mountain Healthcare Limited (the current interim service provider).

A multiagency and multidisciplinary evaluation panel has reviewed the Mountain Healthcare bid and determined that quality and financial requirements have been met. The recommendation is therefore to move to contract award.

The total cost of the service across all available 6 years of the contract is £13.2 million (excluding VAT and mobilisation costs). These costs are to be split between the co-commissioners in the agreed proportions.

2. List of additional information attached as appendices

Appendix A: OPCC (2021) CYP SARS Contract Award – July 2021 (PDF)

3. Expected benefits

The provision of a properly selected and contracted CYPSARS via the SARC network, ensuring effective support at the point of crisis to children and young people who are victims of sexual assault, along with the recovery of forensic evidence to support criminal justice processes.

4. Impact of not approving the application

The lack of a properly selected and contracted CYPSARS and the consequential impacts to children and young people who are victims of sexual assault.

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

Compared with the advertised estimated service cost the submitted bid provides total savings across all co-commissioning partners of £630,000 (excluding VAT, inflation and CQUIN payments) across the 6 years of the contract.


A funding formula to proportion service costs was agreed across all co-commissioning partners at the start of the tender process. Based on the submitted bid price this equates to:

% split Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Total
West Midlands OPCC 14% £309,452 £306,868 £306,868 £306,868 £306,868 £306,868 £1,843,791
West Mercia OPCC 7% £154,726 £153,434 £153,434 £153,434 £153,434 £153,434 £921,896
Staffordshire OFPCC 4% £88,415 £87,677 £87,677 £87,677 £87,677 £87,677 £526,797
Warwickshire OPCC 2% £44,207 £43,838 £43,838 £43,838 £43,838 £43,838 £263,399
NHS E/I 73% £1,613,571 £1,600,096 £1,600,096 £1,600,096 £1,600,096 £1,600,096 £9,614,053

The bid includes a non-recurrent mobilisation cost of £18,832.50 to cover new Forensic Science Regulator (FSR) requirements (registration and initial accreditation). NHS England and NHS Improvement has confirmed in writing its position regarding FSR responsibilities (See Appendix 3) and as such this cost will need to be met by the OPCCs. It is recommended that this is proportioned in the same way as service costs, as follows:

% split OPCC % only Mobilisation Cost contribution
West Midlands OPCC 14% 14/27 = 52% £9,792.90
West Mercia OPCC 7% 7/27 = 26% £4,896.45
Staffordshire OFPCC 4% 4/27 = 15% £2,824.88
Warwickshire OPCC 2% 2/27 = 7% £1,318.28
NHS E/I 73% N/A N/A

6. Equality implications

There are no identified equality implications.

7. Legal

There are no identified legal issues.

8. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The costs are clearly outlined within the body of this decision notice.  They can be accommodated within the existing annual budget for this service, and across the medium term financial plan.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

A full process has been undertaken to allocate funds for this important work