The Commissioner’s Grant Scheme aims to fund projects that will deliver “A safer, more secure Warwickshire”. For the 2019/20 financial year, the Commissioner is opening applications for new funding bids for small grants of up to £10,000 and projects aimed at reducing reoffending.
A range of commissioned services and grants for other purposes will be announced separately for 2019/2020.
PCC small grants awards
Estimated maximum grant fund approximately £50,000.
Maximum grant bid: £10,000
The Commissioner invites applications for any project that aims to address a Police and Crime Plan priority. All applications should be for one-off funding for a specific project. The Commissioner encourages collaborative approaches to applications and encourages organisations to identify how they support and work with their local Community Safety Partnership (CSP).
Reducing reoffending awards
Estimated maximum grant fund approximately £15,000.
Maximum grant bid: £15,000
The Commissioner invites applications for a countywide project that directly address the reducing reoffending agenda in Warwickshire. The successful provider will need to evidence how the project will directly reduce reoffending and how that reduction will be measured.
The Commissioner encourages service providers to collaborate and share best practice to maximise the front line delivery. The Commissioner encourages organisations to identify how they will support and work with the Warwickshire reducing reoffending board.
Who can apply?
The grant schemes are open to both established and new service providers. All applications will need to detail and provide evidence as to how their application fits the specific grant fund criteria they are applying against and how it will address the priorities of the Warwickshire Police and Crime Plan:
- Put Victims and Survivors First;
- Ensure Efficient and Effective Policing;
- Protect People From Harm;
- Prevent and Reduce Crime.
There is a requirement that all applicant organisations:-
- are constituted as a legal entity or operate under a formal constitution (equivalent in form to the Charity Commission model constitution);
- provide the last year’s audited accounts;
- provide the Commissioner with appropriate policies and practices as detailed in Section 6.
Applications will be welcomed from community, voluntary, third sector and statutory organisations that deliver projects or services at a countywide level or for projects that are targeted in one or more local authority areas within Warwickshire.
The PCC will not fund:-
- Profit-making projects;
- Contributions towards major refurbishment, building or maintenance work;
- A contribution to an organisation’s running costs for an unspecified purpose;
- Projects that promote religious or party political beliefs;
- Projects or activities that have taken place prior to the 1 April 2019;
- Prizes;
- Loan or debt repayments.
Please note that the PCC, at his discretion, may choose not to fund a project that is politically-sensitive or contains politically-sensitive elements.
Timescales and how to apply
The grant scheme is currently open for applications for the small grants fund and reducing reoffending fund. The deadlines for completed applications to be received is:-
- 12 noon, 24 January 2019
All applications and required documents must be received electronically by the deadline to
Late or incomplete submissions will not be accepted or evaluated under the 2019/20 grant scheme.
Organisations are able to submit multiple bids to any of the schemes. Each application will be evaluated on its own merits and evidence.
The following guidance notes and terms and conditions are available to help your organisation decide whether or not you can apply to the scheme, and provide you with information on how to complete the application form. Please read the notes carefully and follow the guidance when completing the form.
- Guidance Notes (PDF document)
- Terms and Conditions for Grants 2019/20 (Word document)
- Commissioner’s Grant Application Form (Word document)
If you have difficulty accessing any of these documents or require them in a different format, please contact the office.
Further information
Details of successful applicants and their projects from previous grants schemes can be found here.
For further information and advice about the grant scheme, please contact the Office of The Police and Crime Commissioner by email at or by telephoning 01926 733523.