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Strong turnout for rural crime event in Fillongley

December 5, 2017
The large turnout for the Rural Crime event at Fillongley

The large turnout for the Rural Crime event at Fillongley

A bumper turnout of more than 100 people attended the fifth Warwickshire Rural Crime Project evening event to support farmers, horse owners, rural businesses and residents of rural properties in the north of the county.

Last week’s event at Fillongley Social Club was the latest in a series across the area each year.  The event saw a variety of stands available for people to chat to representatives from a range of organisations, including local police officers, the National Farmers Union, Trading Standards, North Warwickshire Borough Council, Warwickshire County Council, Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service, Neighbourhood Watch, Rural Hub and Warwickshire Horse Watch.  There was also a large range of crime prevention equipment for people to see and ask advice on.

Funded by Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe, the Rural Crime Project seeks to support communities with expert crime prevention advice, assist businesses, farms and agricultural premises to boost their security and work with partners to address issues such as wildlife crime and fly tipping.

After opening the night by welcoming everyone to the event, Mr Seccombe said: “It’s vital that police and other agencies continue to give rural crime a high priority and I am continuing to work to ensure that is the case, through the funding of the Warwickshire Rural Crime Project and the emphasis I have placed on tackling the issues that are important to rural communities in my Police and Crime Plan.

“I have seen for myself the real difference this is making to help protect our rural communities from crime and I’m delighted to see such a strong turnout to this latest event. I get great feedback about the Rural Crime Co-ordinators, who I know work tirelessly with local communities, police and our many partners to ensure that our rural residents and businesses have the best advice and protection available.”

Carol Cotterill, Rural Crime Co-ordinator for North Warwickshire, organised the evening and said: “These events are really important and provide residents in rural communities with the opportunity to come together and raise any issues or concerns that they may have, with all of the relevant agencies there to help and assist.  In addition we provide information and show examples of crime prevention equipment so people can see what is available and how it can help them.”

North Warwickshire Safer Neighbourhoods Inspector David Williams, who is the rural crime lead for Warwickshire Police in the north of the county, added: “This event was an excellent opportunity for my officers and I to engage with the local community, to discuss local issues and share ideas as to how we can continue to work in partnership together. I was very impressed with the amount of volunteers the local community have and how positive they are in their approach. I would like to thank Carol Cotterill for organising this event and to all our partners agencies for their attendance and support.”