Have your say on the future of policing in Warwickshire.  Take our Police and Crime Plan priorities survey today!

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Public Consultations

The Commissioner is committed to listening and engaging with the public to understand their concerns and issues and ensure that Warwickshire Police is meeting their needs. As part of their engagement strategy, the Commissioner undertakes a number of consultations each year to take soundings from the public on a variety of topics. Consultations are also carried out in line with statutory obligations.

Details of public consultations undertaken by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) can be found below.

Current consultations

Police and Crime Plan 2025-29 Priorities Survey

Banner showing the Police and Crime Commissioner saying 'Your Opinion Matters'Warwickshire residents have a unique opportunity to directly influence the future of policing, community safety, and criminal justice in their county. Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has launched a public survey seeking vital feedback on the key priorities that will shape the next Police and Crime Plan.

This plan will guide the operations of Warwickshire Police and its partners in the years to come, ensuring that their efforts align with the concerns and needs of the community.

Key focus areas of the draft plan include:

  • Strengthening Policing: Enhancing efficiency and effectiveness within the police force.
  • Safeguarding People: Protecting vulnerable individuals and addressing issues like domestic abuse and exploitation.
  • Protecting Communities: Preventing crime, tackling anti-social behaviour, and fostering safer neighbourhoods.

The survey is now open now.

Take the Survey

Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of policing in Warwickshire!

Previous consultations

Your Police, Your Views 2024/25 (Part One: October-December 2023)

Two uniformed police officers walking.Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe asked for views of everyone living and working in the county as he began the process of setting the budget for policing in 2024/25.

The first phase of the Your Police, Your Views survey allowed people to give their feedback on how much households should pay for policing, as well as finding out their priorities for how this should be spent.

A total of 1,246 responses were received, of which 744 were fully completed.  The responses confirmed that the vast majority of the public support an increase in funding of some kind, with very few (less than 3%) wanting to see funding reduced.  Among the key improvements the public want to see are an increased focus on town centres, in our rural areas and on our roads, with particular emphasis on acquisitive crime, anti-social behaviour and organised crime.  The public were keen to see improved outcomes, with more offenders brought to justice and police employees highlighted the need for investment in police buildings and vehicles.

The results are being used to inform the draft budget for 2024/25 and a second phase of consultation will take place in January 2024.

View a summary of the full survey results

Your Police, Your Views 2024/25 (Part Two: January 2024)

We asked for views and feedback on the Commissioner’s draft proposals for funding Warwickshire Police in 2024/25.  This was produced based on the feedback from part one of the ‘Your Police, Your Views’ consultation.  The proposed budget supports improvements to how the force engages with the public, investigates crime and supports victims, while also protecting the health and wellbeing of the workforce.

Full details of the results of the survey will be published in February 2024.

Your Police, Your Views (September-December 2022)

The Police and Crime Commissioner launched an online survey to gain local people’s views on policing and community safety and how it should be paid for.

The results will help us understand the issues that matter most to local communities, helping to informing the process that sets the budget for policing in Warwickshire.

The online survey closed on Friday, 16 December 2022.

Results of the consultation were were included within the Budget Report considered by the Police and Crime Panel at Appendix C:

Budget Report and Medium Term Financial Plan 2023/24

Victims Needs Survey

Have your say to help shape the future of support services in WarwickshireVictims of crime were asked for their experiences to help shape how support services are delivered in future.

The aim of the survey was to gain the lived-experience of service users to ensure that as new services are developed, they continue to deliver high quality support and meet the needs of victims.

An anonymous online survey was being undertaken on the Commissioner’s behalf by Tonic, a public consultation and research agency, who also conducted confidential interviews with service users, service providers and other stakeholders across the following areas:

  • General victim recovery services
  • Vulnerability-related specialist support services for victims of:
    • Sexual Abuse and Violence
    • Child Exploitation
    • Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking
  • Criminal Justice-related drug and alcohol abuse services (adults and children)
  • Services for victims from minoritised ethnic backgrounds
  • Services to refugees and others who may have an uncertain immigration status.

The surveys ended in January 2022 and the results are currently being assessed and finalised.

Warwickshire Victim Needs Executive Summary

Budget Consultation 2022/23 (December 2021-January 2022)

The annual budget consultation for policing for 2022/23 asked the public to give their feedback on how much households should pay for policing, as well as finding out their priorities for how this should be spent.

In its funding settlement announcement, the Government gave Police and Crime Commissioners the flexibility to increase the Police Precept by up to £10 a year on an average Band D property – around 83 pence per month.  The Commissioner consulted on a range of options for the Precept to gauge public feedback.

The ‘Your Police, Your Views’ survey ran from December 2021 to January 2022 and the results were presented to the Police and Crime Panel on January 27 2022.

Budget Consultation Results 2022-23

Budget Consultation 2021/22 (November 2020-January 2021)

A major new consultation, called ‘Your Police, Your Views’ has been launched by Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe to give people living and working across Warwickshire the opportunity to have their say.

Part one of the consultation took place between November 2020 and January 2021.

Following publication of the Commissioner’s Draft 2021-22 Warwickshire Budget Report on January 22, the second phase of the consultation was launched to gather feedback, prior to the budget being presented to the Police and Crime Panel.

The consultation ended on January 27.

Budget Consultation 2021-22 Report

Public Priorities Survey (March-August 2020)

This survey was to help inform the future direction of policing and criminal justice across Warwickshire.  It was organised jointly by the Police and Crime Commissioner and Warwickshire Police.

The online element of the survey ran from March to August (having been extended due to the coronavirus pandemic) and followed a  telephone and and face-to-face survey of 750 people across the county in February.

The feedback will be used by police leaders want further public feedback to ensure that they fully understand local concerns on crime, policing and community safety.

Survey responses will also help to inform the next Police and Crime Plan for the county, to ensure that the future strategic priorities set for the force match with public expectations for the police and wider criminal justice agencies.

Warwickshire Police & OPCC Perceptions Survey 2020 Presentation

Police Precept Consultation 2020/21 (December 2019-January 2020)

Have your say today bannerWarwickshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe  launched their annual consultation on the policing budget, asking the public for their feedback on how best to meet the challenges facing police in the county.

Local residents and businesses were asked to consider whether they would support an increase in the policing element of Council Tax in order to safeguard previous investments in extra police officers and fund the much-needed infrastructure improvements which would help them deliver a better service to the public.

The consultation closed on Friday January 17, 2020.

Precept Consultation 2020-21 Report