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Operation Snap will help the battle against poor and dangerous driving

July 2, 2018

Operation Snap logoWarwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe has welcomed a pioneering new initiative being launched to help improve road safety in the county.

‘Operation Snap’ is being rolled out by Warwickshire Police from today (Monday 2 July) to help motorists report incidents of dangerous or unlawful driving and giving them the opportunity to use their own digital footage from dashcams and other devices to help keep the roads safer across Warwickshire.

The force has joined the National Dashcam Safety Portal, which has the support of Brake (the road safety charity), and Cycling UK (the national cycling charity). The platform allows members of the public to submit digital footage showing potential traffic offences direct to Warwickshire Police. This can range from driving dangerously or carelessly to overtaking on solid white lines, using a mobile phone while driving, ignoring traffic lights or dangerous driving around other road users, such as horse riders and cyclists.

Originally developed and launched by North Wales Police and GoSafe, the portal is now being rolled out across the country by Nextbase, one of the leading providers of dashcam technology.

Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner Philip Seccombe said: “Reducing the number of people killed and seriously injured on our roads is one of the priorities of my Police and Crime Plan and I welcome any initiative that supports the police in being able to tackle dangerous and unlawful driving.

“Dashcams have become increasingly popular in the last few years as the technology has become cheaper and more accessible, so it’s only right that the public have a simple way in which they can provide potential evidence of poor or dangerous driving to the police.

“The extension of the National Dashcam Safety Portal to Warwickshire is very welcome indeed and I will be looking closely to see how it can support the police and improve the evidence available to take action against motorists who flout the rules of the road which are there for good reason – to keep people safe.”

To submit footage to Warwickshire Police visit: www.warwickshire.police.uk/operationsnap