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Market engagement event for an Independent Road Victim Advocate Service

May 4, 2023

A market engagement event is being organised for organisations interested in providing independent support in Warwickshire for bereaved families and individuals who have sustained life changing injuries due to road traffic collisions.

The virtual event on 11 May will provide an overview of the objectives of the new Independent Road Victim Advocate Service, which is being commissioned by the Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Seccombe.  The service will go live from September 2023 and comes as part of the Commissioner’s ongoing commitment to support victims and the wider work to reduce death and serious injury on the county’s roads.

The online seminar on Microsoft Teams runs from 1pm to 2.30pm and will provide interested parties with a summary of the needs assessment and recommendations, explain the procurement process and timelines and enable suppliers to ask questions.

To register your interest and to receive an invite to the event please message via the BlueLight EU Supply portal at: https://uk.eu-supply.com/ctm/Supplier/PublicPurchase/67865/0/0?returnUrl=&b=BLUELIGHT