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WPCC4-0003 – Purchase of CAFM System

Decision Reference Number: WPCC4-0003

Lead Officer: Raja Khan – Strategic HSQE and Estates Manager

Chief Officer approval: Ben Smith – Assistant Chief Constable

Date: 3/06/2024

Status: Partially-confidential

If partially-confidential or confidential please detail the FOI exemption applied and specify which parts are confidential:

Attachments Exempt from disclosure under S.43 (commercial interests) of the FOIA

Decision summary:

This application is for funding for the for purchase of an independent Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) system, to be utilised within the Estates function to support Contractor activity management.

I confirm that my register of interests declaration is up to date and that none of my interests preclude me from making this decision.

Signature:  P.Seccombe

Date: 6 June 2024

Supporting information

1. Background information

Currently, Warwickshire Police (WP) are subject to a singular Contractor-led dedicated CAFM system that only manages services and tasks supported by that contractor. All other hard and soft FM services have individual job management workflows and processes which are managed without a CAFM system.

Managing this additional contractor separately and having to utilise manual workflows such as excel spreadsheets etc., is not an efficient way of operating.

Furthermore, by not having all services managed in a central database, WP are not able to produce the appropriate Contractor Management data to sufficiently manage contractor activity across all our services.

WP need to mitigate risk in the short and long term, in relation to owning and protecting critical WP data when transferring our services from old to new contractors.

Recent experiences have taught us that unless WP not only own our own data but are also in control of the systems storing our data, we run the risk of losing critical information when transferring to new service providers.  This loss of data sets WP back operationally and results in WP incurring additional costs to circumvent this loss of data.

This report was presented at Change Board on 18th April 2024 where it was approved subject to “proper Governance and benefit realisation capture”.

2. List of additional information

  • Change Board Paper
  • Change Board extract from minutes
  • CAFM System specification requirements

3. Expected benefits


  • A singular stand-alone CAFM system that WP control and manage will provide WP with a platform to manage all of the supply chain on a centralised system.
  • WP will benefit from becoming operationally more efficient and in turn will reduce administration time managing services and task workflows.
  • The centralised CAFM system will also integrate the BOS function activities and allow for a more robust job management platform for BOS to work with, taking them away from the present manual approach being utilised.
  • This will make the BOS team more effective and efficient reducing administrative time around managing this job/task and contractor management activity.
  • Statutory Compliance – Provide additional protection to the statutory duty holder (The DCC).

Cashable savings:

  • By having a centralised data platform that identifies trends with work and supply costs, WP may be able to identify and negotiate cost savings initiatives with each supplier, which will become evident once the system is available
  • Depending on extent of efficiency gains, it may be possible in the future to remove a BOS Coordinator post grade C when/ if a vacancy occurs within the team.

4. Impact of not approving the application

  • WP maintenance data will be housed on a singular contractor system not accessible to WP.
  • Maintenance data from other Hard & Soft service Contractors will remain on manual spreadsheet platforms, and therefore insecure and not fit for purpose.
  • Ongoing high maintenance costs
  • Risk of Injury to Staff and Officers

5. Costs (including any identified savings)

With the support of Procurement & Contracts, a soft market testing exercise was carried out to ascertain some indicative costs for a CAFM solution based on a draft specification.  This initiative also included a knowledge gathering exercise of mobilisation timelines and requirements from the suppliers’ sides, so that WP could gain an understanding of how we would need to support such mobilisations programs internally. An example of this is what data would be required from WP and indicative ideas around user set up and activity.

Having received some draft proposals from three providers, the average costs for year one came in at circa £70,000 with ongoing costs thereafter averaging £40,000 per year across all three quotes.  All the providers who participated in the soft market testing program are completely aware that the purchase of a CAFM system for WP is subject to a tendering exercise to be led by Contracts and Procurement. WP are not under any obligations at this stage.

The CAFM system will be provided on a web-based platform to avoid any internal Police systems integration. However, WP may consider a link to the CAFM system be placed on our main active directory to enable a direct route into the job raising platform, without the need to login (similarly how the Risual Helpdesk work) WP IT department will be asked to provide input on data and document governance, and to recommend any assurances required from the CAFM systems provider.

The key stakeholders who will need to be involved in setting up the CAFM system will be Estates, Digital Services and the CAFM providers IT support Team.

Funding for the initial purchase and future costs are confirmed and will be sourced from the existing allocated estates budget.  However, the budget will be reallocated from the existing estates budget to digital services so the annual costs can be included within that business area thus ensuring that the technology cost is included within the centralised force budgets for ongoing review and monitoring. Finance colleagues have been consulted and agreement has been reached on this approach.

6. Equality considerations

None Identified

7. Legal comments

None Identified

8. Social or Environmental considerations

The OPCC has a duty of care to protect Police Staff and Officers from harm as well as having a duty of care to ensure the cost effective continuity of services to the public.

9. Publication

Information in this form is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) and other legislation.  Unless the information provided is covered by an exemption and stated to be either confidential or partly confidential, the information contained in the form will be published on the OPCC website.

Comments from the Treasurer

The costs of a CAFM digital solution are due to be met from within the existing estates budget, which will be reallocated to digital services to meet the costs of the new technology, and to facilitate ongoing management and monitoring.  Involvement by the contracts and procurement team to oversee a compliant tendering process is essential to ensure value for money is achieved.  The potential for future cashable savings is welcomed, to help meet the required savings identified in the Medium Term Financial Plan.

Comments from the Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

This project is supported to provide an efficient route to manage, monitor and assess the effectiveness of business operations activity.